My Usual Shenanigans: An Evening of Theatre by Deborah Tragasz

Scene One is excited to announce the directors and cast members for My Usual Shenanigans: An Evening of Theatre by Deborah Tragasz

The Prom Dress, Directed by Mary Jo LaCorte
Featuring Olivia Kucsik and Ellie Mejia

Down the Stairs, Directed by Brian Bray
Featuring Mary Hill and Kelly Bray

Symbiotic Relationships, Directed by Linda Pappert
Featuring Tiffany Vierra and Della DeGroff

Oceans of Neptune, Directed by Barry Beach
Featuring Sarah Jameson, Ashlyn Sherman, and Tim Campbell

Watermelon Vodka, Directed by Mark and Tracy Wegman
Featuring Lacey Williams

Long Distance, Directed by Maggie DeChant Eggen
Featuring Beth Vossen and Adam Shields

Patches, Directed by Nancy Luehrman
Featuring Emma Tracy

The Crutch, Directed by Mark and Tracy Wegman
Featuring Mary Hill and Sarah Hill