This page is dedicated to the great Jack Renner. Rest in peace, Jack.
“Saturday with Jack”, November 12, 2022 (10 parts)
Scene One Directing Credits:
The Zoo Story (2006), This is the Rill Speaking (2007),
The American Dream (2008), The Underpants (2009),
The Marriage of Bette and Boo (2009), Glengarry Glen Ross (2011),
Book of Days (2012), God of Carnage (2013), Night Watch (2014),
Speed the Plow (2015), Fools (2016), Life x3 (2017),
Picasso at the Lapine Agile (2018), Last of the Red Hot Lovers (2022)
Short Attention Span Theatre Directing Credits:
Heaven Sent (2009), Revenge (2009), A Long Way (2011),
The Itch (2014), Coaster (2015)
Scene One Acting Credits:
The Ballad of King Windowglass (2006), World Without Memory (2008),
Twelve Angry Men (2010), Fawlty Towers (2011), Tuesdays with Morrie (2011),
Requiem for a Heavyweight (2014), Upton Abbey (Written in Crayon)(2016),
Bygone Days (A Fine Cargo)(2018), Tuesdays with Morrie (2018)
Jack Quotes:
“Pacing, pacing, pacing.”
“Don’t amble.”
“What the hell was that?!” (after Alan Bailey’s pole dance)
“Theatre is like caffeine, people that know about it, crave it, people that don’t know, need it…don’t ever bother being decaffeinated…it’s a waste of time.”
“I have a script for you.”
“Hey buddy.”